Postgraduate forum

IWWN Postgraduate Forum

We are curious to hear what you are doing – Use the hashtag to join in the conversation #IWWNPostgrad on Twitter

Graduate events
  • Reading group
  • Mentoring
  • Blog posts
  • Meet-ups
  • Links


  • Online Writing Group
    NEXT SESSION Friday March 21st 9.30am – 12.30pm The Irish Women’s Writing Network (1880-1920) has recently started a virtual writing group which takes places once a month. This writing group provides a virtual space for like-minded researchers and creative areas with an interest in…
  • Online Saturday Writing Group
    The Irish Women’s Writing Network (1880-1920) has recently started a virtual writing group which takes places one Saturday a month. This writing group provides a virtual space for like-minded researchers and creative areas with an interest in Irish women’s writing to set some individual…
  • Writing the Aran Islands: The Curious Case of Nurse B. N. Hedderman
    Theo Joy Campbell District Nurse B. N. Hedderman’s 1917 memoir, Glimpses of my Life in Aran, was a puzzle I needed to solve.[i] I first stumbled upon it while researching J. M. Synge and his famous 1903 travelogue The Aran Islands. After reading Glimpses,…
  • Daisy Bates: ‘’Saviour of the Aborigines’
    Ann Moroney The Irish writer Daisy Bates (1859- 1951), successful and infamous in equal measure in her time, left a journalistic legacy that remains virtually unknown today. Born in Tipperary in 1859 but residing for the majority of her life in the Australian outback,…
  • The Unravelling of Old Certainties: Elizabeth Bowen and the Search for Stability in Times of Flux
    Orlaith Darling, Trinity College Dublin In the U.S. post-script to The Demon Lover and Other Stories (1945), Elizabeth Bowen expresses the human yearning for security-in-placement: The search for indestructible landmarks in a destructible world led many down strange paths […] The violent destruction of…


Upcoming events

Nineteenth Century Studies Association, Graduate Student Caucus 

2021 Call for Participation

In today’s digital age, Wikipedia is becoming an increasingly popular resource. Because so many people turn to the online “free encyclopedia” for information, scholars around the world are joining efforts to improve the accuracy of Wikipedia entries. In light of this, the Graduate Caucus is organizing a brief Virtual Wikipedia edit-a-thon at our upcoming conference, Discovery (March 11-13, 2021).

The Wikipedia edit-a-thon will be held virtually on Saturday, March 13th. Time TBD.

If you are interested in participating, or have any questions, please email



The Victoriographies Research Group at the University of Surrey is launching a new online seminar series for 2020-21.


13th Annual VPFA Conference

‘Victorian Inclusion and Exclusion’

14-16th July 2021

Online, with MS Teams

Hosted by the University of Greenwich, London


“So many things are possible just as long as you don’t know they’re impossible.”

— Norton Juster